Friday, May 08, 2020

Staircase Logic: Keith Jarrett 75

I had to go shoot out to the store for some things, so please excuse the lateness of this greatness.
I am still working on a Kraftwerk piece, so give me some time on that and Hamilton Bohannon and ye shall not be disappointed.
Today, however, we'd be remiss if we let the milestone birthday of another ultra-legendary figure pass uncommemorated.
Perhaps the toppermost piano player of his generation, today's superdeity ought need no introduction.
He began 55 years ago in the band of saxophonist Charles Lloyd, and soon began leading his own groups.
An avowed opponent of electric music, at the turn of the '70s he was nevertheless asked to join the group of Miles Davis on electric keyboards. 
The guy on the other end of the phone was not taking no for an answer, so join he did, participating in some of the most iconic and blazing electric Miles sessions.
He's been making his own records, with a myriad of groups and by himself, ever since, and shows no signs of stopping as he turns 75 today.
It's his entirely improvised, internecine and winding solo sets that have always distinguished him, and provide a kind of calling card to his style of playing.
If by his lonesome illustrates the music of Keith Jarrett the best, let's supply a stellar example of such, taped a few days after his iconic The Köln Concert was made just up the road.
Keith Jarrett
Die Glocke (Großer Saal)
Bremen, Germany 

01 opening applause
02 Bremen I
03 Bremen II
04 Treasure Island

Total time: 1:14:37

Keith Jarrett - piano

preFM reels from the WDR archives
This is a killer 75 unissued minutes of music, recorded in 1975, and meant to celebrate KJ's 75th birthday.
I'll be back soon, but for now I'd recommend letting the birthday guy Keith Jarrett, born this day in 1945, take you away on gossamer ivory wings for a while.--J.