Fans of the "Flo & Eddie" version of the Mothers will enjoy this anniversary special, with most of it recorded 43 years ago today. It's one of those Fillmore East soundboard feed master reels recorded from the area underneath the stage... there's a bunch of them and this is part of that extended family. Grace Slick from the Jefferson Airplane is actually goaded onstage to participate in the debauchery at the start of the second set.
Frank Zappa and the Mothers of InventionFillmore East
New York City, NY
11.13.1970 late show
01 Kip Cohen intro/Palladin and Hey Boy (theme song from T.V. show "Have Gun Will Travel")
02 Call Any Vegetable
03 Sanzini Brothers
04 Pound for a Brown
05 Sleeping In a Jar (instrumental)
06 El Porko the Magnificent
07 Sharleena
08 tuning
09 The Air
10 Dog Breath
11 Mother People
12 You Didn't Try to Call Me
13 King Kong
11.14.1970 early show
01 Jam to get Grace Slick onstage
02 Sanzini Brothers
03 Little House I Used to Live In
04 Penis Dimension
05 Mudshark
06 Holiday In Berlin (Including Inca Roads and Easy Meat Themes)
07 Cruising For Burgers
08 Sanzini Brothers’ Pyramid Trick
09 What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening?
10 What Kind of Girl Do You Think We Are
11 Bwana Dik
12 Latex Solar Beef
13 Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
14 Do You Like My New Car?
15 Happy Together
16 Wino Man (Dr. John Routine)
17 Concentration Moon
18 Sanzini Brothers’ School of Broadcast
19 Jeff Simmons’ bass solo
20 Concentration Moon
21 Mom and Dad
22 Encore Jam
Total time: 1:58:20
FZ — guitar, vocals
Howard Kaylan — vocals
Mark Volman — vocals
George Duke — keyboards, trombone
Ian Underwood — keyboards, alto sax
Jeff Simmons — bass, vocals
Aynsley Dunbar — drums
master reels from the soundboard
674 MB FLAC/November 2013 archive link

The Mothers:
FZ—guitar, vocals
Howard Kaylan—vocals
Mark Volman—vocals
George Duke—keyboards, trombone
Ian Underwood—keyboards, alto sax
Jeff Simmons—bass, vocals
Aynsley Dunbar—drums
Enjoy some Mothers' Day fun in November, I insist. And a Happy Birthday to this FZ/MOI ode to
the glory days of vaudeville... in an alternate dimension where vaudeville
had WAY more references to genitalia and hotel rooms, and what happens
when they meet.
-- Josh