Hilarious, impossible synchronicities are happening as I'm typing this, the first of two consecutives about two vastly different artists.

OK, so as I'm writing I have this video on in the background, on the site of a great record store in California I've spent many, many hours in called Amoeba music.

It's an interview with 1980s sleekpop sensation Rick "Never Gonna Give You Up" Astley, who's showing and telling all about what records he is hauling out of Amoeba Hollywood on his latest visit to LA.

And who should he loudly proclaim as a supreme influence, as he triumphantly displays the contents of his shopping bag to the camera?

I should say Gothic with the capital G, because Peter Murphy did as much to invent that genre as any person I can think of.

They only made a few records, but his band -- for whom he is most notorious -- could announce a tour tomorrow and sell out everywhere on Earth in mere moments.

In fact, I think he is out now with David J. and Daniel Ash, doing Bauhaus material for huge festival crowds.

He's one of those rare artists whose stuff hasn't lost potency as he's gotten older: where the new songs are the equal of the classic ones.

He's been making smokin' records for over 40 years now, and it's cool to see he can still do it on his own terms and have people be interested and into it.

He's also one of the most incendiary live performers of our epoch, so in his honor we will fire up a devastating Bauhaus show or two.
In a Glass Haus
Larry's Hideaway
Toronto, Canada
01 Third Uncle
02 Silent Hedges
02 Silent Hedges
03 In Fear of Fear
04 Spy In the Cab
05 Terror Couple Kill Colonel
06 She's In Parties
07 Rosegarden of Funeral Sores
08 Antonin Artaud
09 Passion of Lovers
10 The Three Shadows II
11 Night Time
12 Hair of the Dog
13 Kick In the Eye
14 In the Night
Total time: 51:21
Peter Murphy - vocals & percussion
Daniel Ash - guitar, saxophone & vocals
David J. Haskins - bass, keyboards & vocals
Kevin Haskins - drums & percussion
likely a master or 1st gen off-air FM cassette capture of the original Q107-FM broadcast
sourced from the 2010 silver boot CD "In a Glass Haus" on the Rearview Media label
last few seconds of Track 14 patched from an unknown gen FM cassette by EN, June 2022
345 MB FLAC/July 2022 archive link

I took the liberty of not only repairing the very end of the last song, but placing as well into the folder another 1982 Bauhaus treat, from a concert a few months earlier that's only ever been available on a DVD.
These are great! Thank you so much!